Monday, June 28, 2010

html and css

I have some experience with html and css, but mostly I've taught myself. This is not good. I am a somewhat restless student, and I am a very impatient teacher. So. Decided to start my first official CSS and html training with a quiz in CSS ( Why? Humility, I guess. I got a 55, with the admonishment, "You must study harder!"

In my defense, however, I don't make these mistakes when I make websites. I copy things when I make websites. Type it into Google, see what the correct tag is, test it out on a WAMP server or dummy page, and work it out through trial and error. So who cares if I got a 55?

(See? Bad student, terrible teacher. That's me.)

On the other hand, here's a test I would do equally badly on but respect more: Lay out some HTML and CSS that works well and looks good in less than an hour. That's the test I need. I would fail, then I would study my butt off, and then I would pass.

Anyway, back to the WC3 quizzes - the HTML this time. And some studying.

1 comment:

  1. Got an 80 on their HTML quiz. "Almost! Study a little more and take the test again!"
