Monday, September 27, 2010

Tagadelic, for a "retro" tag cloud

In another assignment configuring a Drupal site for a digital collection, I used Tagadelic as my chosen extra module. I used this site as an installation guide, which was great, except that I wanted a tag cloud because I think they're new and hip, and this guy refers to them as "old-fashioned." Will I never catch up to these people?

In any case I recommend Tagadelic; it's very simple. My collection has plenty of repeat metadata and this allows those resources to immediately appear on the same page, as well as showing the viewer what we see a lot of thanks to the larger fonts for frequent tags. Here are two screenshots of my tags, one a cloud since it's every tag from my collection, the other a list.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Change of Scope

OK so I just read a post from our instructor and I am seeing now that I've been approaching this project in a very non-librarian sort of way, in that I imagined opening it up eventually to users, provided they first authenticate. But he answered a question about terms with a reference to those "doing the catalog", which assumes there is one unified group with one goal and one catalog.

With that in mind...I still like this project. But those entering resources will have to be part of a smaller and more involved group than originally envisioned. Which is OK, but it really reigns in the scope of this project.

Puppet Library is a go!

I am very happy with the results of my Puppet Library so far. I have been designed websites for a long time and this is by far the best functionality I've ever been able to provide for users.

In the ideal world would I use Drupal for this site? Yes probably...but I would know how to use it better. Which I will. Soon.

This week I am adding only selected resources from the Awaji shima puppet theater. Next time I will deal with Suchart Subsin of Thailand, and try to add all my pics of his workshop in one node, with a big long description.

One thing that's annoying me is the way it all looks once entered. I imagine changing themes would help a little but it all looks very metadata-y, which is not user friendly. I'm hoping to learn to make some fields bold, place them on separate lines, and make the pics appear in thumbs, in the future.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Job, New Program

I just started working this week as the student Drupal web tech, helping UA faculty with their Drupal websites through The Office of Instruction and Assessment. (I'm experienced in some web dev but new at Drupal, learning fast thanks to tutorials and now this class.) I really like Drupal because it lets users be responsible for so much on their own sites. I also like that I can do advanced web development that I never mastered the code/coding languages for.

On the other hand, as a site administrator I will sometimes want to work in code. I am working on Views right now for one site and it is a little frustrating to try to figure out why my displays show up with no records in them. When I'm looking at a block of code I can eventually see what's missing. But with Drupal's GUI there are so many different screens and menus that pop up and disappear, it can be hard to troubleshoot. (I'm going to be going through, working on Views in code, next time I'm on the clock.)

If we were already working on Views in IRLS 675 I would probably ask for more specific advice in the forum, though since these are live sites belonging to UA folks I guess I'd be careful not to reveal too much, for both security purposes and because word gets around in small communities. Nonetheless, I may be asking for the 675 forum's assistance sometimes. And I'll be sharing some of our class resources on our webdev blog,

Monday, September 6, 2010

CMS: Costs More Skronk

I just finished reading the following article: "Building a local CMS at Kent State", by Rick Wiggins, Jeph Remley, and Tom Klingler, of Libraries & Media Services, Kent State University. To summarize, the Kent State University Library website, made mostly of static html pages built in Dreamweaver, was looking and functioning worse and worse due to inconsistencies created in the collaborative environment in which it was being created. The project was undertaken to create a website for the library that more effectively met the needs of the library's staff and users, including metadata creation and more effective database functionality. A variety of Content Management Systems were researched by the project team, who determined that none of the CMS's they examined was the right fit. The project then became the writing of a local Content Management System, with the team for this new project given the tight deadline of fourteen months to accomplish the task. The new CMS was developed using the input of focus groups, then implemented with the training of staff. The layout of the site, including the content creator interface, and the tools for the varying levels of management, have been laid out in the article. The CMS and resulting site have been pronounced successful.

Of all the articles about CMS's in Library Hi Tech's 2006 issue, which focused entirely on these systems, I was interested in this one because I have just begun working with Drupal, and I was curious what needs the Kent State Library had that Drupal could not meet. It seems the main areas of unmet need, in the original project researchers' 2006 estimation, centered on metadata. First, they wanted metadata to form a basis for the site. The resulting CMS uses metadata to organize the pages, and allows metadata search, as opposed to keyword search. Another need not met by Drupal or the other existing CMS's was to have the site send an email when a new resource was added that would alert library staff to play their respective roles in metadata creation. This was also ultimately accomplished by the new CMS and site.

The site in question, if I'm not outdated, is indeed smooth and professional. It feels like there is more content and more streamlined function than many of the Drupal sites I've seen. But I wonder if project 1 would have turned into project 2 in, say, 2009? Not likely. For one thing, the metadata tools they required may have been added to one of the Open Source CMS's by then. Plus, days grew dark. As in:

Question: "Should we initiate project costing many thousands of dollars, or just create a module for Drupal or another pre-existing CMS?"

Answer: "Well, considering we just cut all of our part time staff...".

But this article is a valuable resource, a map of a road less traveled, successfully illuminated. So libraries, mark the metadata below. When the recession is over, you'll know where your roadmap is!

Article Type:

Technical paper

Content management; Information management; Libraries.

Library Hi Tech




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